Are you wondering all the time why your blog posts are not getting the attention it deserves? Do you put in huge effort to write a blog post and find in the end that it hasn’t come out better?
If you answered yes to the above questions, continue reading this post. To get more attention for your blog posts, you have to make it better. You can do this in many ways.
The 5 P’s that I explain below add quality to the blog post in some way. When you follow all the 5 P’s, you could very easily come up with a good blog post.
1. Perceive
Before you write a post, you have to understand the problem that you are solving in the post. You should have a clear idea about the problem and also have a good understanding of how it is solved. Make sure you know the solution perfectly. You cannot mess up here. When you give a perfect solution to your reader, your post will obviously be well received.

Image Source: Taking notes by Jacob Bøtter
2. Prepare
Now that you know the solution, prepare on how you are going to deliver the post. As soon as you get a blog post idea, write it down. Just jot down all the ideas that come into your mind. This will ensure you don’t forget anything when you are typing out the blog post. If you start writing without preparing, you might get struck. Take a writing competition for example. How will your paper come out if you have prepared for it? And how will it be when you write without any preparation?
3. Particularize
As you have prepared your post, start writing it. Don’t miss out on any point. Explain each point till you are satisfied that your reader would understand it. Seth Godin says:
I typically write posts that are three to six paragraphs long. I try to be clear and direct. And yet, just about everything I write is misunderstood by someone.
He said this when answering people who wanted to know why he is not in twitter.
So what are the odds that you will be misunderstood?
4. Present
The way you present a blog post plays an important role in deciding how well your post will be received. Would you like to read a 700 word blog post that has no formatting? On the other hand, how would you like to read a blog post that is written very well and broken into small points? When you write a blog post, format it in such a way that it looks pleasing. Add pictures if necessary.
5. Publish + Popularize
Once you have done all the above, publish the post. Also check whether the post has come out as you wished. If yes, publish it. If you are not satisfied, continue editing it. After you are done with publishing, try to popularize it. If the post solves a big problem which hasn’t been solved by many before, ask you friends to read the post and give you some link love or social media voting. But don’t game the system. There are some things that you should not do in social media.
Are your blog posts getting received as you expect? Will you be trying the ‘5 P’ method for making your blog posts better? Please share your views in the comments.