11 Post Ideas When You Run Out of Topics
If you are new in blogging you probably never face this situation. Besides you still have good spirit you also must have prepared a lot of things to write before starting your blog. But by the time goes by you will start to run out of topics for your blog. But don’t worry, you may consider the following idea for your post when you experience this situation. In this post the sequence doesn’t represent the priority. I just highlight the points
1. Press Release
This is the simplest way to get source for your post especially when your blog is about product related topics. A company will never stop writing press release so you will never lose idea. You may only buzz the news or make a summary to highlight the points. But i would suggest that instead of only buzzing the news it would be better if you can put 2 or 3 lines of your opinions about the release.
2. Buzzing Other’s Blog Posts
I do this sometimes when i came across an interesting post in other’s blog. I also suggest to put a link to the original post. It’s not only about ethics but also when you do this your post will be appeared as comment in the original blog (in wordpress). This is a good way to promote your blog to others who read the original post.
3. Product/Service Review
You may found something interesting either it’s a product or service and it’s really impressed you. You can write a review about it. It doesn’t have to be a detail or technical review. You may write a quick review or just put your opinions, impression about that product or service.
4. Summarize Your Previous Posts
If you have been blogging for quite long times you must have few posts that could be on the same category. You can summarize them and make a new post. Besides it will refresh your memory you can also make a better post by combining couple of posts.
5. Running Contest
This is one of popular idea among bloggers. The contest can be varied starting from RSS subscription, writing comments, etc. There’s always a reward for a contest, that’s right. But it doesn’t have be money. You can offer something like EntreCard credits, 1 month ads slot, link on your blog, etc.
6. Blog Review
You might think this is strange but frankly speaking, this is very effective way to use. You can get idea for your post and at the same time building relationship with other bloggers. But off course you have to be selective to choose which blog to review. My suggestion is you can write a review of a new blogs, blog of people that commented most on your blog, top EntreCard droppers, etc. You can also find blogs from blogs community like EntreCard, MyBlogLog, BlogCatalog, etc.
7. Tips
Most of the time people write about tips on their blogs. And i’m sure that you must have found some tips when working on your blog. Instead of keeping it why don’t you share it and post it on your blog.
8. Link Love
One of the link love i do is the EntreCard top 10 droppers. I write a post to list the top EntreCard droppers on my blog in 1 month period. You may have another kind of link love. May be you can share it here on a comment.
9. Book Review
Again, blogging is about sharing something to others. When you read a book there must be something that you remember. Writing it and post it on your blog will make you easier to memorize what you have read.
10. YouTube Video
Everybody watching YouTube but don’t know which video is the best one. By recommending a YouTube video to others on your blog will help people to save their time looking for video that they really need.
11. Guest Poster
Many people things that guest blogger means you pay someone to write on your blog. It’s not always like that. I was invited by MakeUseOf few months ago offering opportunity to write for their blog. They didn’t offer me money at that time but link to the blog only. But because i was busy on other things i had to reject their offer.
Author : James
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