Make Up Your BLOG

it's time to making up your blog.
when i was kid, i always hear about the first love, the first love is when you see someone with your eyes, you are so amazed then within your eyes down to your heart. when your heart start beating faster. that's call the first love.

what i mean is, i want you to make your visitors to fall in love with the first sight of your blog. a great template within your niche support how you can get traffic much better.

here i just give you a link to another website that give you a template for your blog. i don't like design, i can't go with script, i'm not good at them. so i link for you, according to my best sight. if you don't find what you're looking for, you can use uncle google to do it for you.

Ah... almost forget, i recommended to use a wordpress template for blogspot, cause it has a good looking template.

it's the link

5 secret how to write a great article

In my post before, i have told you that how to get an idea, and i'm sure just finished reading it.
then, how to put your idea turn into a great article, a great article that absorbs people opinion to read yours. that's what are we going to do right now. there are 5 secrets for you to know before you begin writing. Just follow these 5 Secrets how to write an article, and see what happen to your blog.

1. Basic skill to be a journalist.An important secrets when you start write an article is make sure you master this basic skill.


After getting your ideas, just write down your idea into a question like above, then you just write about 100 words for each. if you finished, find an answer for your solution, write down after the big question.

2. Think about three things or more what are you going to tell about in your article. there might be three things about an article for a blog post, or three things how to buy xxx, or three things how to yyy.

3. Write down a introduction paragraph before you begin. it can contains a backlinks to your site, so you can get more traffic. Mention the Three topics you are about going to tell, and list the three topics.

4. Write a paragraph for topic A. Explain it. you can use the basic journalism tennants. write the topic a for about 100 words. Do the same thing with topic B. write about 100 words. if you finished, you'll get 4 paragraph and 100 words for each paragraph, so it is about 400 words.

5. then for a finishing, you write an enclose for your article, list the three topics again, then give a solution, a conclusion, a better answer should be.

the 5 Secrets to write a great article is revealed. and it's totally free for you. if you want to have a great article follow the secrets above.

Ok then.... you see my article above. then the conclusion is:
the Basic Journalism i use is "how".
5 secret "how" to write a great article

This is the introduction paragraph
In my post before, i have told you that how to get an idea, and i'm sure just finished reading it.
then, how to put your idea turn into a great article, a great article that absorbs people opinion to read yours. that's what are we going to do right now. there are 5 secrets for you to know before you begin writing. Just follow these 5 Secrets how to write an article, and see what happen to your blog.

5 Topics All
1. Basic skill to be a journalist. An important secrets when you start write an article is make sure you master this basic skill.


After getting your ideas, just write down your idea into a question like above, then you just write about 100 words for each. if you finished, find an answer for your solution, write down after the big question.

2. Think about three things or more what are you going to tell about in your article. there might be three things about an article for a blog post, or three things how to buy xxx, or three things how to yyy.

3. Write down a introduction paragraph before you begin. it can contains a backlinks to your site, so you can get more traffic. Mention the Three topics you are about going to tell, and list the three topics.

4. Write a paragraph for topic A. Explain it. you can use the basic journalism tennants. write the topic a for about 100 words. Do the same thing with topic B. write about 100 words. if you finished, you'll get 4 paragraph and 100 words for each paragraph, so it is about 400 words.

5. then for a finishing, you write an enclose for your article, list the three topics again, then give a solution, a conclusion, a better answer should be.

The Enclose Paragraph
the 5 Secrets to write a great article is revealed. and it's totally free for you. if you want to have a great article follow the secrets above.

It is also an example for you to easily get what i mean.

5 P’s For Making A Blog Post Better

Written by Ramkarthik from Blogging Tune on February 7, 2009

Are you wondering all the time why your blog posts are not getting the attention it deserves? Do you put in huge effort to write a blog post and find in the end that it hasn’t come out better?

If you answered yes to the above questions, continue reading this post. To get more attention for your blog posts, you have to make it better. You can do this in many ways.

The 5 P’s that I explain below add quality to the blog post in some way. When you follow all the 5 P’s, you could very easily come up with a good blog post.

1. Perceive

Before you write a post, you have to understand the problem that you are solving in the post. You should have a clear idea about the problem and also have a good understanding of how it is solved. Make sure you know the solution perfectly. You cannot mess up here. When you give a perfect solution to your reader, your post will obviously be well received.

Taking notes

Image Source: Taking notes by Jacob Bøtter

2. Prepare

Now that you know the solution, prepare on how you are going to deliver the post. As soon as you get a blog post idea, write it down. Just jot down all the ideas that come into your mind. This will ensure you don’t forget anything when you are typing out the blog post. If you start writing without preparing, you might get struck. Take a writing competition for example. How will your paper come out if you have prepared for it? And how will it be when you write without any preparation?

3. Particularize

As you have prepared your post, start writing it. Don’t miss out on any point. Explain each point till you are satisfied that your reader would understand it. Seth Godin says:

I typically write posts that are three to six paragraphs long. I try to be clear and direct. And yet, just about everything I write is misunderstood by someone.

He said this when answering people who wanted to know why he is not in twitter.

So what are the odds that you will be misunderstood?

4. Present

The way you present a blog post plays an important role in deciding how well your post will be received. Would you like to read a 700 word blog post that has no formatting? On the other hand, how would you like to read a blog post that is written very well and broken into small points? When you write a blog post, format it in such a way that it looks pleasing. Add pictures if necessary.

5. Publish + Popularize

Once you have done all the above, publish the post. Also check whether the post has come out as you wished. If yes, publish it. If you are not satisfied, continue editing it. After you are done with publishing, try to popularize it. If the post solves a big problem which hasn’t been solved by many before, ask you friends to read the post and give you some link love or social media voting. But don’t game the system. There are some things that you should not do in social media.

Are your blog posts getting received as you expect? Will you be trying the ‘5 P’ method for making your blog posts better? Please share your views in the comments.

7 secrets to make your blog powerful

finally, my blog is done (i think that's what you are thingking about right now) But don't be to hesitate. cause it's not the end of the road. Before you post your articles of idea, you must customized your blog to make it powerful.

Why must powerful?
Don't ask me this question. it makes me sick. you make a blog with some purposes, right! for example: you want to make money with your own blog, so make it powerful to make money. you want to introduce yourself to the whole world, about your hobby, or talent, or something you got. you must powerful you blog, therefore the world will know you.

How do make my blog powerful?
Bingo... That's a Question i like to hear from you. How... How.... how do you make your blog powerful with some great content that attracts people to subscribe, Interesting Layout, get ranked on google, Good SEO, Widgets, etc.
Follow 7 secrets to make your blog powerful. (follow the link to further explanation)
1. Attract people with your post (that's the most important secret to powerful your blog)
2. Make your blog nice to see
3. Give your visitors a free stuff like e-book or others
4. Maintain your blog with great widgets
5. tools to get connected with others.
6. Learn SEO Technics
7. Learn how a blogger should do.

When do I start?
Oh my God... stop asking that silly question (hope you don't ask this question), You can start whenever you want. you can start now or tomorrow, or two days after. there's no word late in my dictionary. but the faster you start, it's better. Don't delay what you can do today.

Start Blogging With

why Blogger?
3.Easy to post
4.A number of highly customized blogger templates are available for free
5.No need to break our heads with the HTML
6.No worry about downtime

Let's Start
1. Go to
2. Click "Create Your Blog Now"

If you already have a google account, just sign in with your google account, as shown in picture below

3. Type your email address again, in display name, type your name you'd like to display on public, it will be displayed as an author name of your post. fill in the word verification correctly, then continue, don't forget to check the acceptance of terms. 4. Choose a name for your blog
5. Choose Your Template 6. It's Done

i have a video tutorial that you can watch for further explanation.

11 Post Ideas When You Run Out of Topics

If you are new in blogging you probably never face this situation. Besides you still have good spirit you also must have prepared a lot of things to write before starting your blog. But by the time goes by you will start to run out of topics for your blog. But don’t worry, you may consider the following idea for your post when you experience this situation. In this post the sequence doesn’t represent the priority. I just highlight the points

1. Press Release

This is the simplest way to get source for your post especially when your blog is about product related topics. A company will never stop writing press release so you will never lose idea. You may only buzz the news or make a summary to highlight the points. But i would suggest that instead of only buzzing the news it would be better if you can put 2 or 3 lines of your opinions about the release.

2. Buzzing Other’s Blog Posts

I do this sometimes when i came across an interesting post in other’s blog. I also suggest to put a link to the original post. It’s not only about ethics but also when you do this your post will be appeared as comment in the original blog (in wordpress). This is a good way to promote your blog to others who read the original post.

3. Product/Service Review

You may found something interesting either it’s a product or service and it’s really impressed you. You can write a review about it. It doesn’t have to be a detail or technical review. You may write a quick review or just put your opinions, impression about that product or service.

4. Summarize Your Previous Posts

If you have been blogging for quite long times you must have few posts that could be on the same category. You can summarize them and make a new post. Besides it will refresh your memory you can also make a better post by combining couple of posts.

5. Running Contest

This is one of popular idea among bloggers. The contest can be varied starting from RSS subscription, writing comments, etc. There’s always a reward for a contest, that’s right. But it doesn’t have be money. You can offer something like EntreCard credits, 1 month ads slot, link on your blog, etc.

6. Blog Review

You might think this is strange but frankly speaking, this is very effective way to use. You can get idea for your post and at the same time building relationship with other bloggers. But off course you have to be selective to choose which blog to review. My suggestion is you can write a review of a new blogs, blog of people that commented most on your blog, top EntreCard droppers, etc. You can also find blogs from blogs community like EntreCard, MyBlogLog, BlogCatalog, etc.

7. Tips

Most of the time people write about tips on their blogs. And i’m sure that you must have found some tips when working on your blog. Instead of keeping it why don’t you share it and post it on your blog.

8. Link Love

One of the link love i do is the EntreCard top 10 droppers. I write a post to list the top EntreCard droppers on my blog in 1 month period. You may have another kind of link love. May be you can share it here on a comment.

9. Book Review

Again, blogging is about sharing something to others. When you read a book there must be something that you remember. Writing it and post it on your blog will make you easier to memorize what you have read.

10. YouTube Video

Everybody watching YouTube but don’t know which video is the best one. By recommending a YouTube video to others on your blog will help people to save their time looking for video that they really need.

11. Guest Poster

Many people things that guest blogger means you pay someone to write on your blog. It’s not always like that. I was invited by MakeUseOf few months ago offering opportunity to write for their blog. They didn’t offer me money at that time but link to the blog only. But because i was busy on other things i had to reject their offer.

Author : James

How Not to Lose Your Ideas

There are times when ideas suddenly come to my mind. It doesn’t have to be in a certain time or occasion. I can be walking to the campus, lying in the bed, cooking, or whatever. The ideas just come. And many times, the ideas just come once. It means that if I forget the ideas then it will be very hard to get them back. So I’ve learned not to lose any single idea, and the rule for that is very simple:

Write them as soon as possible

When idea strike, usually I just stop whatever I am doing and write the ideas down first. Writing the ideas as soon as possible is very important, otherwise the ideas would have gone in matter of minutes. And as I’ve said above, it will be very hard to get them back.

Since ideas can come anytime, I have the habit of bringing a piece of paper and a pen with me wherever I go. It doesn’t have to be a pocket book or index card, just a simple piece of paper. Whenever ideas strike, I would quickly take the paper out of my pocket and write them down. Later when I go home I would transfer the idea to my idea journal in the computer. It works for me, and I believe it will also work for you. Of course, the detail of how you do it is up to you. Just don’t let the ideas gone.

By Donald Latumahina (follow me on Twitter) , October 25, 2006

4 Simple Ways to Never Lose Your Ideas

By Donald Latumahina (follow me on Twitter) , April 20, 2007

Ideas are precious. Especially in this Internet age where many things quickly becomes commodity, ideas are what set you apart and keep you ahead of the pack. You need to always have good and fresh ideas.

Unfortunately, we often cannot anticipate when an idea will come. Suddenly, out of the blue, comes the idea. It doesn’t care whether you are at home, on the road, or in the office. It doesn’t care what you are doing. It just comes. Even worse, it will quickly go. And once it goes, chance is it will never come back. So the challenge is capturing those ideas during its short visit without ever letting it go.

How can you do that? Here are four ways:

  1. Bring a piece of paper and a pen wherever you go
    This is my favorite method. When I go out, writing on paper is the fastest way to capture an idea. I used to write my ideas on PDA, but I now think it’s too slow because it may not be able to recognize my handwriting on the first try. I often need to repeat writing. By writing on paper, I can write just once and it’s done. I will later transfer the ideas from the paper to a more permanent place which acts as my “idea warehouse”. I use Microsoft OneNote for that (also check the post Using OneNote for Idea Management).
  2. Use Google Desktop’s Scratch Pad
    How do you quickly capture ideas while you are using a computer? Of course there are many ways to do that. You can open a word processor or create a text file. But I guess the fastest way is using Scratch Pad from Google Desktop. It’s always visible in the sidebar so you do not need to find and launch any program. And it automatically saves the text written in it, so you don’t even need to press a Save button. It’s a quick way to get the idea out of your mind and put it in a safe place.
  3. Write a draft message in your cell phone
    Okay, sometimes you may forget to bring a piece of paper with you when you go out. But you won’t forget to bring your cell phone with you, will you? So in such case, you can write your ideas as a new text message in your cell phone and save it as draft. It is not as quick as writing on paper, but it’s still a safe and sure way to capture your ideas when you don’t have a piece of paper with you.
  4. Tell someone about it
    Why should you bear all the burden yourself? Share it with someone else :). You can tell your friend about your idea and ask her to help remind you about it. You don’t even need to be physically in the same location as her. You can call or send her a text message.

Getting Ideas For Your Blog

Before you get further for being a blogger, i want you think about your blog in the future.
I mean, you make your blog but you dont know what are you really going to write to your blog. it's a silly thing when you have done making an account on then you say "what next".
ok then, if you don't want that silly thing happen (it happened to me many times, when on my first blogging), you have to imagine what are you gonna do with your blog, is it a private blog, making money blog, business blog or social blog?

Idea is very difficult to express (it really does with me), All you have to do is dig your idea out.
1. What are you interesting about?
2. What's your hobby?
3. Are you a narsis?
4. Do You Work?
5. Don't have any idea yet.

1. What Are You Interesting About?
Tell me, What are you interesting in?
are you interesting in computer? or Politics? or Finance?
then write all about them... write about what are you really interesting in

2. What's Your Hobby
Fishing, Hunting, Singing, Or Listening a music....
Great! that's your resources of idea... dig it out....

3. Are You Narsis?
Post your photo, write a diary about what's going on today, isn't exciting that all over the world wathing you, what are you feeling today....

4. Do You Work?
If yes, why don't you write about your skill, it'll be great if you share your skill to others. If you are a Journalist, then why don't you write about journalism.

5. Don't Have Any Idea Yet?
If you don't have any idea yet, then don't frustating...
you'll get interesting idea, for example, because it really is a huge encyclopedia or library. There are other sites as well that can be helpful, such as Google (you can search about what is in your head right now),, Top Searches,, Lycos 50, and many others....

and for the last word i say to you, DIG OUT YOUR IDEA... AND GET BLOGGING

Create An Account on Google

like i told you before, 10 reason why i choose google as my assistant for blogging...
now i will tell you how to create one...
go to

then u'll find a page similar like this

click sign up to gmail...
then u'll find a page simiar like this

fill in the required question, such as first name, last name, desired login name...
if you have filled them all, click

congratulations..., now you have a google account...
ehm.... now Let's find some ideas for your blog

Why Google

why google?

10 reason why i choose google ( :

1. You don't like spam. Neither do we.

Don't waste time with junk mail and unwanted messages. Gmail blocks spam before it gets to your inbox. If an unwanted message ever finds its way through, you can fight back by reporting it and help make our spam filters even better. Learn more

Watch a video to see how we combat spam.

2. Search your mail instantly

Use Google search within Gmail to find the exact message you want, no matter when it was sent or received. You don't have to spend time sorting your email, just search for a message when you need it and we'll find it for you.

3. Organize replies into conversations

With Gmail, each message you send is grouped with all the responses you receive. This conversation view continues to grow as new replies arrive, so you can always see your messages in context.

4. Chat is built right in

With just one click, you can chat in Gmail with the people you already email. You can even reply to an email by chat. And Gmail can archive all of your chats, making them searchable, so you never lose any valuable information.

5. Labels, filters, and stars...oh my!

Gmail uses labels to help you organize with more flexibility. A conversation can have several labels, so you're not forced to choose one particular folder for messages. You can also create filters to automatically manage incoming mail. Starring messages is another way you can organize your inbox. Plus, it looks pretty.

6. Get your mail on the go

The days of needing your computer to get to your inbox are long gone. You can now use Gmail on your mobile device to access your email from anywhere.

7. Lots of space (and counting)

We're always working to increase the amount of free storage we offer in Gmail, and if you want even more, you can always purchase additional space. With all that space, you can archive instead of deleting messages, so they won't clutter your inbox but will remain searchable in case you ever need them again.

8. We have ads, but only the good kind

With Gmail, you'll never see pop-ups or untargeted banner ads. Instead we display text ads and related links you might find useful and interesting. Learn more about how seriously we protect your privacy.

9. Save time

Take advantage of Quick Contacts and Keyboard Shortcuts in Gmail to get through your email even faster. And don't forget that you can quickly find messages using Gmail's search feature powered by Google search technology.

10. All this is free?


and many other advantages using google just not an e-mail acconts, also other account you will get like; google reader, google search,, and many others...

and don't forget that google is the BEST SEARCH ENGINE, in this entire world...

So, it can help you promote your blog and get indexed easily....


Create yours ASAP


Don't know how to create an account on google. let me help you to create an account on google.